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Image by Annie Spratt

Counselling for individuals in Edinburgh

Hello, my name is Karen and I am a registered counsellor working in Edinburgh.  I offer counselling for adults from any background.  Sessions are face to face or online.

Why come for counselling?
Often we can work through difficulties in life
with the support of family or friends.  But it may
be easier and more effective to talk with
a counsellor.

Counselling provides a private,
supportive space for you to
talk about what is going on
in your life.  

What can you expect from me?
I have worked with people of many ages and 
backgrounds.  Some of the issues I have helped
clients explore have included:
- anxiety
- relationship problems
- work or study difficulties
- sexuality
- neurodiversity
- gender, sexual and relationship diversity (GSRD)
- bereavement and loss
- abuse
- addictions
- pregnancy



Image by Annie Spratt

    “Awareness requires living in the here and now,

and not in the elsewhere, the past or the future.”
-Eric Berne


My practice

I work using a Transactional Analysis (TA) approach.

TA is a theory of personality which can be easily used to understand what is happening in our lives and relationships.  I am interested in understanding what life is like for you now, how your past influences you and what you want to change.


Learn more:


Counselling is not a process of being 'fixed'.   It requires participation and investment from both client and counsellor and it can facilitate the personal growth and change that you are looking for. 


Qualifications and experience:

  • Post graduate diploma in counselling using Transactional Analysis (2023)

  • Certficate in counselling skills (2019)

  • Diploma in sexual and reproductive health (2014)

  • NMC registered midwife (1999)

  • NMC registered nurse (1997)


Delivery of continuing professional development (CPD) workshop - 'Talking about sex and sexual health in the therapy room - exploring the influence of our intersectional and cultural diversity' October 2023

Individual counselling

Counselling sessions last 50 minutes and cost £55.

Initial no obligation 15 minute consultation at no cost.  This is useful to assess our suitabiltiy for working together.  I can refer to other counsellors who may be more suitable for you to consider working with. 

I work from a private and confidential space in Edinburgh City for both face to face and online sessions.  I work online with clients anywhere in the UK.


  • Member of UK Association for Transactional Analysis (UKATA)

  • Counselling member of Counselling and psychotherapy Scotland (COSCA)

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